Doocan Blog


Global supply chain rehashing

Globalisation has seen its ups and downs. While 1990s and 2000s was all about globalisation, last decade has certainly challenged globalisation trend as we knew it.


Global Design, Local Reach: Doocan's Streamlined Supply Chain

In the dynamic world of furniture and home decor, the quest for the perfect piece often extends beyond aesthetics. It encompasses a seamless journey from conception to delivery, transcending geographical boundaries. That's where Doocan comes in, a global B2B furniture and home decor marketplace that is effortlessly navigating the complexities of the...


Why Exporting from India can be challenging

The Indian export industry has boomed over the past few years. In March 2022, the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry reported that the country's exports had peaked at $400 billion. This was a significant milestone, as the Indian government has implemented strategic policies to boost the country's export volumes. On all fronts, the achievement...


GST on Indian Exports: What You Should Know

Exports are critical in virtually every country. The volume of exports is often used as a metric for measuring economic growth. However, the export process is often extensive. Like other business players, exporters are required to pay specific taxes on the goods they sell. While these taxes can be numerous, none are as crucial to the Indian export...


A Complete Guide to Shipment Planning and Documentation

As beneficial as the export business is, it is often tasking. The shipment process requires extensive planning and proper documentation. As a new or relatively experienced exporter, you may encounter difficulties planning your shipment delivery. More so, many documents would be required along the way, which can get significantly confusing.  This...


Importing into the US: All You Need to Know

The US is currently the world's largest consumer market. For two reasons, most of the world's most successful entities have built a mainstay within the US territory. The reasons are the advantage of a broad consumer base and a generally healthy purchasing power. As a result, the US has maintained its position as a global hub for commercial success....


Step by Step Guide to Exporting from India

India is fast becoming a leading destination for global markets to source raw materials and manufactured goods. In 2021 alone, India recorded an export value of over $400 billion. The World Trade Organization also   ranks India as one of the top 20 global export countries. Furthermore, annual exports from India have continued to grow y-o-y....

Man discussing business

Global uncertainty is India’s opportunity

As has been said for some time,  India’s time to shine has come . The opportunity is there. India just needs to grab it. Globalisation has seen China become the world’s factory as it ramped up its manufacturing, invested in infrastructure and liberalised enough to allow world to tap its capabilities as a hub for large scale manufacturing. What...


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